values and principals
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The Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo embraces the following values

  • The freedoms and rights granted to all citizens of the United States of America
  • The social and cultural impact that the western way of life continues to have on modern society
  • Fostering the education of future generations on the applications of raising of livestock for the production of food and fiber for a growing population
  • Stewardship of all natural resources
  • Giving back to the communities that have faithfully embraced and supported the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo since its beginning in 1896.

mission statement

Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show

In accordance with the spirit which it was founded and its current bylaws, the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show is committed to the following objectives:

To promote continuing improvement in the breeding, raising and marketing of livestock and to encourage the pursuit of excellence generally throughout the livestock and agriculture industries.

To organize and administer each year a world-class Stock Show event composed of various public competitions, exhibitions and entertainment such that (1) the event enhances interest and encourages participation in the livestock and agri-business fields by recognizing and rewarding outstanding achievement in them, and (2) the event attracts as many visitors as possible from throughout the state, across the nation and around the world to Fort Worth, the city of this Stock Show’s historic origin in 1896.

To include in Stock Show activities continuing encouragement for young people to pursue careers in livestock and agri-business through programs and incentives especially tailored to their interests.

To advance education by providing learning opportunities as an ongoing part of Stock Show events, and by funding research grants and scholarship endowments at a variety of educational institutions.

To ensure that the Stock Show grows and adapts to the ever-changing needs of the livestock and agri-business industries, encompassing not only cattle, horses, swine, sheep, mules, poultry, and traditional agri-business products, but other livestock and emerging agri-business technologies as well.

To utilize efficiently, maintain and periodically improve the physical facilities in which the annual event and its various activities are held to ensure that they remain in the front rank of such facilities worldwide, to ensure that they continue to serve the needs of the people and organizations using them, and to preserve their value as a major income-producing asset for the City of Fort Worth.


The Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo adheres to these principles

  • We recognize that all citizens of the United States of America, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, should enjoy all the rights and privileges bestowed by the Constitution and the laws of our nation without fear of discrimination. We sternly denounce all forms of systemic racism and pledge to support local efforts to bring it to an end.
  • We celebrate the livestock industry, its multicultural diversity and the ingrained influence it has on the social and cultural fabric of our community and Texas as well as the role ranchers and farmers serve in the production of a nutritious, affordable and safe food supply.
  • We foster educational opportunities for Texas youth through competitions and scholarship programs to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the livestock industry and its role in feeding the world.
  • We encourage and highlight the importance of providing proper care for all of God’s creation including, but not limited to, livestock and natural resources (land, water, wildlife).
  • We collaborate with the City of Fort Worth, investing in public-private projects to improve and expand the Will Rogers Memorial Center and Dickies Arena in order that these facilities attract and host a variety of public events for the enjoyment of the citizens of Fort Worth and the north Texas region.

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