FWSSR Volunteers
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We Love Our Volunteers!

Volunteering with the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is fun, rewarding and plays a crucial role in fulfilling the Stock Show’s mission - supporting youth education and funding enhancements at the Will Rogers Memorial Center. Since the first Show in 1896, volunteers have made the Stock Show the success it is today. And, it’s not just names like Carter, Justin, Watt and Bass. Here’s what some current volunteers have to say about volunteering for the legendary Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show.
Hunter Johnson

Hunter Johnson

The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo is legendary because of its dedicated volunteers. It's a chance to meet new people, make lifelong friendships, gain valuable experience, and being part of one of the most historic and impactful events in Texas.
Dana Sweatman

Dana Sweatman

It’s all about the kids. Without our help, kids, parents and attendees would not have the experience they have now. As a volunteer, I feel that I truly make a difference here.

So What Are You Waiting For?

All you need is the following:

Application: Signed by you and a current Stock Show board member or volunteer.



Cover Letter

Deadline September 1, 2025.
Documents must be submitted in full.

Not all committees have vacancies.
Please indicate interest in more than one committee.


Ag Development Fund

Ambassador Committee

Calf Scramble Committee

Equine Scholarship Committee

Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate

Greeting Committee

Guns and Roses Committee

Hispanic Advisory Committee

Horse Show Superintendents

International Committee

Livestock Show Superintendents

Parade Committee

Safety Committee

Tour Committee

Vine 2 Wine Committee

Follow Up

Once received, your application will be reviewed. You'll be contacted regarding participation in the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo.

Contact Rose Alvarez
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