Equine Prepared Speech Challenge
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Equine Public Speaking Challenge

speak up for scholarships

The Equine Public Speaking Challenge gives youth the opportunity to earn scholarships while presenting an issue in the Equine Industry with a possible solution. The contest is open to youth ages of 14-18, as of January 1 who are enrolled and are attending public, private or home school elementary or secondary schools in Texas. In 2024, $40,000 in scholarships will be awarded to the 1st through 5th placing contestants. The Equine Public Speaking Challenge is conducted by the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo and the Texas A&M University Equine Initiative.

the challenge consists of two rounds

Round One

All contestants present a 5-minute speech prepared on a topic related to the equine industry. Topics may vary, but must include an industry issue and a probable solution. The top three scores from each room will move on to the final round.

Final Round

Twelve contestants will proceed to the final round, which will consist of a five-minute prepared speech, followed by three questions from the judges panel. This round is open to the public.

2025 Results

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