The Supervising ASTs and CEAs have been mailed the purchase certificates, award certificates and photo proofs for the Calf Scramble Winners.
1. Purchase Certificate – Document used to purchase animal; has instructions and rules printed on back. To be presented to the person selling your calf, should be signed and fully completed. The seller is to return the Purchase Certificate along with the transferred Registration Certificate at one time to the Calf Scramble Office to receive payment. The purchase must be made by June 1, 2025.
2. Award Certificate – No monetary value. For students to frame and display only. This document contains the sponsor’s name.
3. Photo Proof – Contains instructions for purchasing desired pictures.
4. Reporting – Sponsor name and address on Purchase Certificate.
A. Thank you letter should be sent immediately upon receipt of address.
B. Each month beginning in June, a monthly report should be sent to the sponsor.
C. Send (by mail) reports and other material such as pictures and financials to the sponsor and a copy of the materials should be submitted electronically to the Calf Scramble Office. It is extremely important to follow through with the reporting phase of the program. It is also important that the sponsor receives all of the original reports and the Calf Scramble Office receives an electronic copy of what the sponsor receives.
D. Required Reporting Phase of Program – failure to report will jeopardize the $500 calf sponsorship and potential for scholarship opportunities.
E. Forms – We do not provide preprinted forms for reports. The reports should be made in letter form and mailed. Students can devise their own method of expense records. DO NOT, under any circumstances, use a preprinted form from another Calf Scramble or Stock Show.
5. Scholarships – The reports are required, but as an added incentive, students who do the best job of reporting (i.e., provide detailed financials, photos, information about you and your breed of heifer, etc.) have an opportunity to be awarded scholarships. These will be awarded based primarily on the quality of the student’s reports. Therefore, it is important for the Calf Scramble Office to receive all copies of the reports and other material on time, each month.